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Rice with Coconut curry and Braised short ribs

Written By Unknown on Thursday, September 26, 2013 | Thursday, September 26, 2013

I decided to start us off with a bang!!!!! This meal has 3 main components so we would separate them and talk about them individually. Although, I would advice you cook them simultaneously to save time.

NOTE: Over the next few weeks, I would be making a spice/ingredient index so in case you don’t know what they look like, you’ll have an idea and for my Debrecen fellows, I will tell you where I get my own ingredients so you can purchase yours as well.

The Rice

I’m going to be making Jasmine rice and its pretty easy to make. There are 4 main steps to cooking it:

  • Wash the rice in running warm water for about a minute (Use a sieve if possible, it makes it much easier)
  • Use one cup of rice to two cups of water
  • Put the rice and water in a pot and heat up till it comes to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer till its soft and cooked (atleast to the texture you want).
  • Add water if necessary.

Your final product should look like the image below.


TIP: I usually rinse the rice in very hot water when its cooked and strain it, because I don’t like it super sticky and it tends to be that way. Also, always make sure your pot is covered because it needs the steam to cook properly.

Prep time: 3 mins

Cooking time: 20-25 mins (these times are suggestive and not a standard)


The Curry

For this, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • half  a zucchini
  • half a carrot
  • half a stick of celery
  • yellow bell pepper
  • 2 sticks of spring onions
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • 1 bulb of onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bouillon of chicken stock
  • Salt
  • Spices (I used basil, white and black pepper, curry, oregano and majoranna)


First, you cut up the vegetables, either into slices, cubes or just in chunks…Its your meal so make it as you please. Heat up the oil and pour in the onions and garlic. Now, I really don't like them but I love their flavour so what is do is, fry them until they are cooked and  then remove it. If you don’t mind them, then you can leave it in the oil and go on to the next step.


At this point, you should add the celery and carrots and let them cook until the celery becomes slightly translucent then you can add the spring onions, zucchini and bell pepper. Allow them to cook for about 3 more minutes and then add the spices, stock cube and a pinch of salt. TASTE!


If you like what you taste (it should not be overly spiced up but mild), then add the coconut milk. Reduce the heat and let it simmer on medium heat for about 10 mins. When it has reduced and thickened to your satisfaction, turn off the heat.

Prep time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 15-20 mins

TIP: In any meal or stir fry, always cook vegetables like celery and carrot first and together because they are tougher and require more time to cook.


Braised Short ribs.


  • 500-700g of pork short ribs
  • 4-6 cups of pork stock
  • half a celery stick
  • half of a carrot
  • 1 bulb of onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Basil (fresh)
  • Olive oil
  • Star Anise (2-3 pieces)
  • Worcestershire sauce (2 tablespoons)
  • White wine vinegar (I tablespoon)
  • Spices (black pepper, thyme and oregano)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees/ Gas number 6/ the highest setting you have.

Just like you did with the curry, cut up the vegetables (I just used half for the curry and the other half here). Heat up a baking dish on the burner and use it as though it were a normal pot,pour in the oil and add the garlic, basil, star anise and onions and let them cook.


While you are cooking the onions, boil 6 cups of water and add 6 cubes of pork bouillon cubes (this would make the 6 cups of pork stock). As soon as it dissolves, turn it off.


Once the onions are cooked, put in the ribs (after being washed of course) and then add the vegetables. When it has cooked for about 2 minutes (it should be nice and brown) turn it on the other side and let it coo as well. If it is sticking to the pan, add a dash of oil. When the other side has cooked for about a minute, add your vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and spices. After about another minute, pour the stock unto the ribs till they are almost submerged.


Turn the gas off, cover the pan with foil and pop it into the oven. Keep checking it every 30 minutes and when you do so, turn the ribs on to the other side. When the amount of liquid in it reduces, add more. It should cook for atleast 2 hours. At the half way point, reduce the heat to medium.


You’ll know its ready when the meat falls apart with very slight resistance to your fork. Now it’s ready to serve!!


I am an avid fan of presentation! Even if your meal doesn’t come out the way you want, always make sure it looks good enough to eat.


There is no need to add barbecue sauce or anything to the pork because when its cooked, the sticky, juicy and glistening goodness you see there, is all as a result of the braising!!!


I hope you try this recipe!! Please, feel free to ask any questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Prep time: 15 mins

Cook time: 2 hours 20 mins

Tip: For a different experience, you can change your stock to beef stock. NEVER use salt in the braise because as the it cooks and the stock thickens, the flavours get concentrated and there is no need for salt unless you like your food salty! Also, the longer you braise, the softer the texture of the meat used.

About Unknown